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Add Digital Signature to SAP or any ERP Business Documents

Digitally sign documents in bulk without manual intervention

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Achieve more than compliance with Symtrax

Agile and Robust

We offer a scalable and agile solution to accommodate document signing needs as your business expands or personnel changes.

Ensure data security

Confirm data integrity with PKI encryption. Verify document authenticity with both digital signature and advanced security features.

Bulk document signing and printing

Get high volume documents digitally signed in the matter of minutes, without manual intervention and print it in your remote location.

End-to-end digital signature automation

Digital Signature Automation Solution using Dongle or HSM

  • Easy B2B integration with SAP or any other ERP systems 
  • Remotely sign business documents with a digital signature certificate stored in USB tokens, or centrally sign using HSM 
  • Automate the distribution of digitally signed documents using multi-channel distribution via EDI
  • Simultaneously pushback the signed document to the ERP 


Digital signature process automation solution

Multiple deployment


  • Digitally sign pdfs /documents with centralized HSM and DSC Signature (pfx).
  • Scale for high volumes of business documents for digitally signing in bulk.
  • Customize multiple pages with multiple digital signatures as per business needs for easy B2B integration.
  • Sign and print invoices, contracts, purchase and sales orders, ASN, GRN, SAP notes remotely with digital signature certificates stored in Dongle or USB tokens.


AI-based Automation


  • Intelligent and secure document routing and pushback to the SAP DMS to execute seamless EDI with signature.
  • Stable no-code or low-code integration catering to real-time EDI monitoring.
  • Smart adoption for delegating proxy signing.
  • Send digitally signed PDFs to a client/vendor ERP with certified connectors or API integration.
  • A secure digital signature software for industry verticals like Finance, P2P (procurement), HR, legal, Sales, etc.
  • Handle printing and distribution with remote location signing.

Easy Integration


  • Certified SAP, IBMi, and web API connectors guarantee secure integration with varied ERPs. These include SAP EEC6/HANA Documents, Microsoft (MS) Dynamics, Infor, Oracle, IBM i series, in-house ERPs, MS Navision.
  • Customize according to the client’s ERP configuration with no-code digital signature integration.
  • Trace documents throughout the digital signing process with date and timestamp information.
  • Achieve complete audit compliance.