Home » Resources » Webinars » From SAP to enriched invoices, improved workflow and reduced Days Sales Outstanding

The happy day has arrived. Your customer has signed off and the order has shipped. Now comes the next challenge:  getting the dollars in the door as efficiently possible, as soon as possible, while delivering a superior customer experience. Join us for ½ hour to discover new ways to approach the invoicing and collection workflow. You will learn how to:

  • Create visually pleasing invoices without any coding
  • Incorporate customized marketing messaging in your invoice or statement
  • Automatically deliver invoices via GUID links, pdfs, XML, FTP or fax

Reduce Days Sales Outstanding

  • See who opened which invoices and when
  • Republish and resend invoices in one click
  • Provide A/R portal access to third party collection firms (without poking a hole in your firewall)

All of the above capabilities will drive revenue forward by converting a fraught process into a painless workflow for your A/R department and your customers.

Presented by
Kirk Fackre
Solution Consultant Manager